Hello!👀️ My name is  Ina Joe︎
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Game ❤️ Technology = Art

Hello stranger,
My name is Ina Joe. I am a developer focusing primarily on game development and visual. I love art, playing games and working out. I’m currently open to work as a Unity technical artist and Unity devloper.

I do believe all kinds of design starts with finding a problem and solving it. Sometimes problems can drive people crazy, but they can also lead people to create new ideas and ways of doing things. This is what I love about design.

I’m a person who specializes in solving problems with technology and visual. If you need a person who can deal with these kinds of creative solutions, don’t hesitate to reach out to me!
Fun fact about me


Super active. Trying to gain some muscles these days.


Love comfortable shoes.


Born in the ocean city.

  Today Ina is...


In the process of studying shaders