Hello!👀️ My name is  Ina Joe.
I'm a  game developer︎  Check my  Itch page  for additional games🕹️ and explore my technical art skills  here 🍀

This is  GenZBabies︎ 
Check GenZBabies twitter  here 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦
This project is still work in progress🌟

Game Genre

Simulation, strategy, family

2022 NOV - Current
Project Type

Personal Project
About Game

Young parents! They are generation Z.
They grown up with computer, mobile phone, and social media. Did you ever think how their children will be? How’ll be like Gen Z parents rasing the Gen Alpha babies?

Yes! This game is about the modern family life simulation! This is two players multi game. Find a person who can play with you. It can be your lovers, friends and even your parents. Raised a kid together and find out the best way for your Gen Alpha kids!

Game Engine : Unity

Other Programs : Photoshop, Maya, Illustrator, After Effects


Team Member

Ina Joe(me) - Game Developer

      Current Dev Status : 👨‍🍼

Four levels (phases)

1) Infant/Baby
2) Children
3) Teen
4) College

Each of the level will have different events and diffculty.
Currently, we are developing Infact level.

     Dev process video


               Nov 2022

               Dec 2022

               Jan - Feb 2023

              Mar 2023

              Fixed bugs and add Money System.


              Adding Diaper System and chatting/voting system. 


Nov - Programming (Phtoton Setup & Player Controller & Baby Status)
Dec - Art (Draw illustrations and import to the Unity), Add house dirteness and cleaning system

Jan - Programming (Working system & Money system)

      Sample Art

Character Design


Sample Art




This is  Third Brain︎ 
You can play Third Brain  here 🧠
      Third Brain Trailer 👇🏻

Game Genre

Anti Puzzle

2021 Fall - 2022 Spring
Project Type

School Project

Third Semester - Fourth Semester
Thesis 1 - Thesis 2

Third Brain is a first-person ‘anti-puzzle’ game about breaking free from the game system.

If you don’t want to do all the boring tasks that the game asks you to do, then it’s time to break the game!

Game Engine : Unity

Other Programs : Photoshop, Maya, Illustrator, After Effects

Team Member

Ina Joe(me) - Game Developer

Game Design, Programming, Level Design, Story,
Art (Art Direction, 3D, Animation, Motion Design)

Hawon Lee - Graphic Designer

Logo Design, Graphic Design

Jae Seo - Music Composer, Sound Designer

Sound Effect, Music compose

      Game Play Video 👇🏻



This is  Merry Little Party︎ 
You can play MLP  here🎅

Game Genre

Physic game

2020 Fall
Project Type

School Project

First Semester
Game Studio 1, Third Project
Team Member

Solo Project

You get a letter from your friend. Your friend is having a Christmas party, and you are invited.

Let’s drink and play a game!

Try to control your drunk body to not make the party awkward.  

Game Engine : Unity

Other Programs : Photoshop, Illustrator, After Effects


      Game Play Video 👇🏻


This is  Fortune Muscle Cat︎
You can play FMC  here😺

Game Genre

Action Platform game

2020 Fall
Project Type

School Project

Second Semester
Game Studio 2
My Role

Art Direction, Level Design, Character Design, Animation, Game Design

Game Engine : Unity

Other Programs : Photoshop, Illustrator, After Effects

      Game Play Video 👇🏻